Saturday, June 18, 2011

That is just ignorant!

So I get into this conversation with someone at work about cancer and treatment and such. She asked me if I was getting treatment and I told her no because I didnt believe that it was right to get something like that which is not guaranteed to work for one, and may fix the cancer issue but ruins your vital organs in the process... It is just my belief and my choice. So what does she say? She told me that I was stupid and that anyone in their right mind would do it...

Okay, here goes my smart mouth and my thought processes out in the open....

First of all, if you are stupid, how can you be in your right mind??? Just wondering...

Second, I believe everyone has opinions and options in life. This is the path that I have chosen for ME! I dont regret a single thing that I have decided regarding my medical issues. I live every day like it is my last because if you dont, you will have regrets at the Pearly Gates.

I would appreciate it if you dont support my decision, please do not call me stupid... Or at least come up with a better name to call me! :)
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